文學是指以語言文字為工具形象化地反映藝術,包括戲劇、詩歌、小說、散文等,是文化的重要表現形式,以不同的形式(稱作體裁)表現內心情感和再現一定時期和一定地域的社會生活、文化。 「文學」並不一定是客觀的,一名成功的文學家能在自己的文學作品中,展現自己對於文學的主觀看法,抒發自己的情緒和感觸,但藉由嘗試建立一個「客觀的標準」,有時對能幫助作家了解「讀者的感受」以求將內心之情感與藝術表現完整的體現在讀者心中。有時也能藉此作家的主觀想法帶給社會不同面相省思現況。
表達體裁分為:小說、散文、詩歌、報告文學、戲劇、歌劇、劇本、民間傳說、寓言、筆記小說、野史、童話、對聯和笑話等;其他如史傳、哲理、賦、駢文、小品文、文學批評、有文字劇情架構的電腦遊戲。按讀者分為: 按年齡有兒童文學,青少年及青壯年人的文學等。 按讀者群體及內容分為嚴肅文學和通俗文學或大眾文學、民間文學、少數民族文學、宗教文學...等。 含遊戲主機)與動漫...等。
Literature Translation
Literature, in its broadest sense, is any written work; etymologically the term derives from Latin literatura/litteratura "writing formed with letters", although some definitions include spoken or sung texts. More restrictively, it is writing that possesses literary merit, and language that foregrounds literariness, as opposed to ordinary language. Literature can be classified according to whether it is fiction or non-fiction and whether it is poetry or prose; it can be further distinguished according to major forms such as the novel, short story or drama; and works are often categorised according to historical periods or their adherence to certain aesthetic features or expectations (genre).
Taken to mean only written works, literature was first produced by some of the world's earliest civilizations—those of Ancient Egypt and Sumeria—as early as the 4th millennium BC; taken to include spoken or sung texts, it originated even earlier, and some of the first written works may have been based on an already-existing oral tradition. As urban cultures and societies developed, there was a proliferation in the forms of literature. Developments in print technology allowed for literature to be distributed and experienced on an unprecedented scale, which has culminated in the twenty-first century in electronic literature.